I’ve been living in the North East of the states just a little over 10 years now. I tell a story to myself that the winter often brings lower vibrations and and a necessity for conveniently placed hibernation.
It’s not even snowing yet but the heat-loving kid in me previously looked for alternatives and excuses on how to say no to many an invite outside the walls of my cozy apartment uptown. 18 years of sunshine all year long may or may not have some effect, nevertheless opportunities can be amiss in my choice of comfort over often exaggerated worry we can name temperature distress.
Yet, I’m clear that speaking about the weather is only another circumstance. Similar without piling on details when it comes to finance or thoughts of doubt or the fear of losing out.
I see I feel, I know the universe wins when I choose to show up.
When asked to be in contribution, I look to say yes without the desired need to be in control of how it will play out. When someone asks how can they support me, I get to release my flawed sense of independence and share in the wealth of interdependence.
Yes, all bold and many a grand statement shouting to the heavens what joy comes about with all the evidence garnered through continuous impact.
Releasing my dance of words…
I plainly aim to encourage you to get out of your own way and show up for the people in your world.
And if you take it just a step further, past visceral context to be taller than you perceive, to stand for all the creatures of the world.
Butterflies of Contribution
Be in reflection
Grow in the revelation
Harness the lesson
Silence the expectation
Lead forever present
Thank you for choosing to contribute to the world. Love and Light
Be Blessed.